He first claims it is witchcraft and all the girls started saying they saw other of the townspeople with the devil. Reverend Hale, a good hearted man, begins to get the bottom of all this nonsense. At first you think she really sees these things and the devil is real, then John Proctor helps us realize that she is faking it.Either she is a really good actress, or she really did have psychosis. You see this pretty much at every point in the play. Abigail also seems to have psychosis, “a loss of contact with reality that usually includes: false beliefs about what is taking place or who one is (delusions), seeing or hearing things that aren’t there (hallucinations)” (National Library of Medicine). Many scenes, including where she shows no remorse when she is accusing innocent people and they are sentenced to death, indicates she has schizophrenia. Miller has lead us to believe that Abigail has schizophrenia, “a mental disorder that makes it hard to: tell the difference between what is real and not real think clearly have normal emotional responses act normal in social situations” (National Library of Medicine). Although Miller does not state she is mentally ill, you use context clues to slowly piece together her life. In The Crucible, Abigail Williams is a one dimensional character, a character which remains the same throughout the plot.Throughout the play, you begin to see Abigail’s mental illnesses take form.